Query::for_posts( array $posts = array() )

Builds a new WP_Query object and sets the post, and accessory flags, on it.

The query is built to yield to run a query that will yield no result and to have a request property that will never yield results; calls on the WP_Query::get_posts method are filtered to always return the post set. Queries built by this function can be spotted by looking for the tribe_mock_query property.



(array) (Optional) The array of posts that should be used to build the query.

Default value: array()

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(WP_Query) The new WP_Query object, built to reflect the posts passed to it.

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File: src/Tribe/Utils/Query.php

	public static function for_posts( array $posts = [] ) {
		if ( empty( $posts ) ) {
			$posts = [];

		$query                   = new \WP_Query();
		$query->posts            = $posts;
		$query->found_posts      = count( $posts );
		$query->post             = reset( $posts );
		$query->query            = [ 'p' => 0 ];
		$query->tribe_mock_query = true;
		global $wpdb;
		// Use a query that will never yield results.
		$query->request = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE 1=0";

		// Return the same set of posts on each method requiring posts.
		$filter_posts_pre_query = static function ( $the_posts, $the_query ) use ( $posts, $query ) {
			if ( $the_query !== $query ) {
				return $the_posts;

			$fields = $query->get( 'fields', false );
			// We assume some uniformity here.
			$posts_are_objects = ! is_numeric( reset( $posts ) );

			switch ( $fields ) {
				case 'ids':
					return $posts_are_objects ? wp_list_pluck( $posts, 'ID' ) : $posts;
				case 'id=>parent':
					return $posts_are_objects ? $posts : array_map( 'get_post', $posts );

		add_filter( 'posts_pre_query', $filter_posts_pre_query, 10, 2 );

		return $query;

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Version Description
4.9.21 Introduced.