Tribe__Admin__Help_Page::get_sections( boolean $print = true )

Based on an Array of sections it render the Help Page contents



(boolean) (Optional) Return or Print the HTML after

Default value: true

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File: src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php

	public function get_sections( $print = true ) {
		 * Allow third-party sections here
		 * @var Tribe__Admin__Help_Page
		do_action( 'tribe_help_pre_get_sections', $this );

		 * Allow developers to filter all the sections at once
		 * NOTE: You should be using `tribe_help_add_sections` to add new sections or content
		 * @var array
		$sections = apply_filters( 'tribe_help_sections', $this->sections );

		if ( ! is_array( $sections ) || empty( $sections ) ) {
			return false;

		// Sort by Priority
		uasort( $sections, array( $this, 'by_priority' ) );

		$html = array();

		foreach ( $sections as $index => $section ) {
			$section = (object) $section;

			// If it has no ID or Content, skip
			if ( empty( $section->id ) || empty( $section->content ) ) {

			// Set a Default type
			if ( empty( $section->type ) ) {
				$section->type = 'default';

			 * Creates a way to filter a specific section based on the ID
			 * @var object
			$section = apply_filters( 'tribe_help_section_' . $section->id, $section, $this );

			// Sort by Priority
			uasort( $section->content, array( $this, 'by_priority' ) );

			$html[ $section->id . '-start' ] = '<div id="tribe-' . sanitize_html_class( $section->id ) . '" class="tribe-help-section clearfix tribe-section-type-' . sanitize_html_class( $section->type ) . '">';

			if ( ! empty( $section->title ) ) {
				$html[ $section->id . '-title' ] = '<h3 class="tribe-help-title">' . esc_html__( $section->title ) . '</h3>';

			$html[ $section->id . '-content' ] = $this->get_content_html( $section->content );

			$html[ $section->id . '-end' ] = '</div>';

		 * Creates a way for developers to hook to the final HTML
		 * @var array $html
		 * @var array $sections
		$html = apply_filters( 'tribe_help_sections_html', $html, $sections );

		if ( true === $print ) {
			echo implode( "\n", $html );
		} else {
			return $html;


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Version Description
4.0 Introduced.