Tribe__Cache::set_chunkable_transient( string $id, mixed $value, int $expiration, string|array $expiration_trigger = '' )

Sets a transient in the database with the knowledge that, if too large to be stored in one DB row, it will be chunked.

The method will redirect to the set_transient function if the site is using object caching.



(string) (Required) The transient ID.


(mixed) (Required) The value to store, that could be chunked.


(int) (Required) The transient expiration, in seconds.


(string|<span class="array">array) (Optional) The transient expiration trigger(s).

Default value: ''

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(bool) Whether the transient, or the transient chunks, have been stored correctly or not.

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File: src/Tribe/Cache.php

	public function set_chunkable_transient( $id, $value, $expiration = 0, $expiration_trigger = '' ) {
		$transient = $this->get_id( $id, $expiration_trigger );

		if ( wp_using_ext_object_cache() ) {
			return $this->set_transient( $transient, $value, $expiration );

		$inserted         = [];
		$serialized_value = maybe_serialize( $value );
		$chunk_size       = tribe( 'feature-detection' )->get_mysql_max_packet_size() * 0.9;
		$chunks           = str_split( $serialized_value, $chunk_size );
		foreach ( $chunks as $i => $chunk ) {
			$chunk_transient = $transient . '_' . $i;

			$set = set_transient( $chunk_transient, $chunk, $expiration );

			if ( ! $set ) {
				foreach ( $inserted as $transient_to_delete ) {
					delete_transient( $transient_to_delete );

				return false;

			$inserted[] = $chunk_transient;

		return true;

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Version Description
4.13.3 Introduced.