Tribe__Context::map_to_read( array $input, string|array|null $types = null, bool $passthru = false )

Maps an input array to the corresponding read locations.

The resulting array can be used as input for the alter_values method. The main use of this method is to leverage the Context knowledge of the read locations, and their types, to "translate" an array of values to an array of valid read sources. As an example this is useful to "translate" the locations to an array of query vars: $input = [ ‘event_display’ => ‘some-view’, ‘event_date’ => ‘2018-01-03’ ]; $query_args = tribe_context()->map_to_read( $input, Tribe__Context::REQUEST_VAR ); $url = add_query_arg( $query_args, home_url() );



(array) (Required) An associative array of values in the shape [ <location> => <value> ]; where location is the name of the location registered in the Context locations.


(string|array|null) (Optional) A white-list of read location types to include in the mapped output; null means all types are allowed.

Default value: null


(bool) (Optional) Whether to pass unknown locations in the output or not; if false then any input key that's not a context location will not appear in the output; defaults to false to remove unknown locations from the output.

Default value: false

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(array) An associative array in the shape [ <read_location> => <input_value> ]. Since some read locations could have multiple sources the number of elements in this array will likely NOT be the same as the number of elements in the input array. When a read location as more than 1 source then the value will be duplicated, in the output array, to both sources.

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File: src/Tribe/Context.php

	public function map_to_read( array $input, $types = null, $passthru = false ) {
		$mapped    = [];
		$processed = [];
		$types     = null !== $types ? (array) $types : null;

		$locations = $this->get_locations();

		// Take the current read locations
		foreach ( $locations as $key => $location ) {
			if ( ! isset( $location['read'], $input[ $key ] ) ) {

			$processed[] = $key;

			foreach ( $location['read'] as $type => $name ) {
				if ( null !== $types && ! in_array( $type, $types, true ) ) {

				foreach ( (array) $name as $destination ) {
					$mapped[ $destination ] = $input[ $key ];

		if ( $passthru ) {
			$mapped = array_merge(
				array_diff_key( $input, array_keys( $locations ), array_combine( $processed, $processed ) )

		ksort( $mapped );

		return $mapped;

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Version Description
4.9.11 Introduced.