Tribe__Context::translate_sub_locations( array $values, string $type, string $direction = 'read' )

Translates sub-locations to their respective location key.

This method leverages the inherent knowledge of aliases stored in the Context locations to "translate" a sub-location to its location key. E.g. assume the car location is read from the [ ‘carriage’, ‘vehicle’, ‘transport_mean’ ] query var; calling $context->populate_aliases( [ 'vehicle' => 'hyunday' ], 'read', Context::QUERY_VAR ) would yield [ 'car' => 'hyunday' ].



(array) (Required) An associative array of value to use as "masters" to populate the aliases.


(string) (Required) The type of Context location to use, e.g. Tribe__Context::QUERY_VAR.


(string) (Optional) The direction to use for the location, one of read or write.

Default value: 'read'

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(array) The original array, merged with the populated values.

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File: src/Tribe/Context.php

	public function translate_sub_locations( array $values, $type, $direction = 'read' ) {
		if ( ! in_array( $direction, [ 'read', 'write' ], true ) ) {
			throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
				"Direction must be one of `read` or `write`; `{$direction}` is not valid."

		$filled             = [];
		$locations          = $this->get_locations();
		$matching_locations = array_filter( $locations, static function ( $location ) use ( $type, $direction ) {
			return isset( $location[ $direction ][ $type ] );
		} );

		foreach ( $matching_locations as $key => $location ) {
			$entry = (array)$location[ $direction ][ $type ];
			$found = array_intersect( array_keys( $values ), array_merge( $entry, [ $key ] ) );
			if ( $found ) {
				$filled[ $key ] = $values[ reset( $found ) ];

		return $filled;

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Version Description
4.9.12 Introduced.