
Generates the markup for iCal and gCal single event links


File: src/Tribe/iCal.php

	public function single_event_links() {

		// don't show on password protected posts
		if ( is_single() && post_password_required() ) {
		$calendar_links = '<div class="tribe-events-cal-links">';
		$calendar_links .= '<a class="tribe-events-gcal tribe-events-button" href="' . Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->esc_gcal_url( tribe_get_gcal_link() ) . '" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Add to Google Calendar', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '">+ ' . esc_html__( 'Google Calendar', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>';
		$calendar_links .= '<a class="tribe-events-ical tribe-events-button" href="' . esc_url( tribe_get_single_ical_link() ) . '" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Download .ics file', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '" >+ ' . esc_html__( 'iCal Export', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>';
		$calendar_links .= '</div><!-- .tribe-events-cal-links -->';

		 * Allow for complete customization of the iCal and gCal single-event links.
		 * @param string $calendar_links The HTML of the iCal and gCal single-event link buttons.
		echo apply_filters( 'tribe_events_ical_single_event_links', $calendar_links );