
At the pre_get_post hook detect if we should redirect to a particular instance for an invalid 404 recurrence entries.




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File: src/Tribe/Main.php

		public function detect_recurrence_redirect() {
			global $wp;

			$wp_query = tribe_get_global_query_object();

			if ( is_null( $wp_query ) || ! isset( $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'] ) ) {
				return false;

			$current_url = null;
			$problem = _x( 'Unknown', 'debug recurrence', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' );

			switch ( $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'] ) {
				case 'single-event':
					// a recurrence event with a bad date will throw 404 because of WP_Query limiting by date range
					if ( is_404() || empty( $wp_query->query['eventDate'] ) ) {
						$recurrence_check = array_merge( array( 'posts_per_page' => 1 ), $wp_query->query );
						unset( $recurrence_check['eventDate'] );
						unset( $recurrence_check['tribe_events'] );

						// retrieve event object
						$get_recurrence_event = new WP_Query( $recurrence_check );
						// if a reccurence event actually exists then proceed with redirection
						if (
							! empty( $get_recurrence_event->posts )
							&& tribe_is_recurring_event( $get_recurrence_event->posts[0]->ID )
							&& 'publish' === get_post_status( $get_recurrence_event->posts[0] )
						) {
							$problem = _x( 'invalid date', 'debug recurrence', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' )
									 . empty( $wp_query->query['eventDate'] ) ? '' : ': ' . $wp_query->query['eventDate'];

							$current_url = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->getLink( 'all', $get_recurrence_event->posts[0]->ID );

					// We are receiving the event date
					if ( ! empty( $wp_query->query['eventDate'] ) ) {
						$event_id = get_the_id();
						// if is a recurring event
						if ( tribe_is_recurring_event( $event_id ) ) {

							$event = get_post( $event_id );
							// if no post parent (ether the post parent or inexistent)
							if ( ! $event->post_parent ) {
								// get all the recursive event dates
								$dates = tribe_get_recurrence_start_dates( $event_id );

								$exist = false;
								foreach ( $dates as $date ) {
									// check if the date exists in any of the recurring event set
									if ( 0 === strpos( $date, $wp_query->query['eventDate'] ) ) {
										$exist = true;

								// if the event date coming on the URL doesn't exist, display the /all/ page
								if ( ! $exist ) {
									$problem = _x( 'incorrect slug', 'debug recurrence', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' );
									$current_url = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->getLink( 'all', $event_id );

					// A child event should be using its parent's slug. If it's using its own, redirect.
					if ( tribe_is_recurring_event( get_the_ID() ) && '' !== get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) {
						$event = get_post( get_the_ID() );
						if ( ! empty( $event->post_parent ) ) {
							if ( isset( $wp_query->query['name'] ) && $wp_query->query['name'] == $event->post_name ) {
								$problem = _x( 'incorrect slug', 'debug recurrence', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' );
								$current_url = get_permalink( $event->ID );


			 * Provides an opportunity to modify the redirection URL prior to the actual redirection.
			 * @param string $current_url
			$current_url = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_pro_recurrence_redirect_url', $current_url );

			if ( ! empty( $current_url ) ) {
				// redirect user with 301
				$confirm_redirect = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_pro_detect_recurrence_redirect', true, $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'] );
				do_action( 'tribe_events_pro_detect_recurrence_redirect', $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'] );
				if ( $confirm_redirect ) {
					tribe( 'logger' )->log_warning( sprintf(
							_x( 'Invalid instance of a recurring event was requested ($1%s) redirecting to $2%s', 'debug recurrence', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' ),

					wp_safe_redirect( $current_url, 301 );