


File: src/Tribe/PUE.php

class Tribe__Image__Plus__PUE {

	 * @var string slug used for the plugin update engine
	private static $pue_slug = 'image-widget-plus';

	 * @var string plugin update url
	private static $update_url = '';

	 * @var string plugin file name
	private static $plugin_file;

	 * @var Tribe__PUE__Checker
	public $pue_instance;

	 * Constructor function. a.k.a. Let's get this party started!
	 * @param string $plugin_file file path.
	public function __construct( $plugin_file ) {
		self::$plugin_file = $plugin_file;
		add_action( 'tribe_helper_activation_complete', array( $this, 'load_plugin_update_engine' ) );
		register_activation_hook( self::$plugin_file, array( $this, 'register_uninstall_hook' ) );

	 * Load the Plugin Update Engine
	public function load_plugin_update_engine() {
		// if running an old version of TEC (pre embedded licensing), use the old update_url
		if ( version_compare( Tribe__Main::VERSION, '4.5.1', '<' ) ) {
			self::$update_url = '';

		if ( apply_filters( 'tribe_enable_pue', true, self::$pue_slug ) && class_exists( 'Tribe__PUE__Checker' ) ) {
			$this->pue_instance = new Tribe__PUE__Checker( self::$update_url, self::$pue_slug, array(), plugin_basename( self::$plugin_file ) );

	 * Register the uninstall hook on activation
	public function register_uninstall_hook() {
		register_uninstall_hook( self::$plugin_file, array( get_class( $this ), 'uninstall' ) );

	 * The uninstall hook for the pue option.
	public function uninstall() {
		$slug = str_replace( '-', '_', self::$pue_slug );
		delete_option( 'pue_install_key_' . $slug );
		delete_option( 'pu_dismissed_upgrade_' . $slug );

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