Tribe__Template::get( array|string $index, mixed $default = null, boolean $is_local = true )

Sets an Index inside of the global or local context.

Final to prevent extending the class when the get already exists on the child class.

See also

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(array|string) (Required) Specify each nested index in order. Example: [ 'lvl1', 'lvl2' ];


(mixed) (Optional) Default value if the search finds nothing.

Default value: null


(boolean) (Optional) Use the Local or Global context.

Default value: true

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(mixed) The value of the specified index or the default if not found.

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File: src/Tribe/Template.php

	final public function get( $index, $default = null, $is_local = true ) {
		$context = $this->global;

		if ( true === $is_local ) {
			$context = $this->context;

		 * Allows filtering the the getting of Context variables, also short circuiting
		 * Following the same strucuture as WP Core
		 * @since  4.6.2
		 * @param  mixed    $value     The value that will be filtered
		 * @param  array    $index     Specify each nested index in order.
		 *                             Example: array( 'lvl1', 'lvl2' );
		 * @param  mixed    $default   Default value if the search finds nothing.
		 * @param  boolean  $is_local  Use the Local or Global context
		 * @param  self     $template  Current instance of the Tribe__Template
		$value = apply_filters( 'tribe_template_context_get', null, $index, $default, $is_local, $this );
		if ( null !== $value ) {
			return $value;

		return Tribe__Utils__Array::get( $context, $index, $default );

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Version Description
4.6.2 Introduced.