Tribe__Tickets__Integrations__Freemius::filter_connect_message_on_update( string $message, string $user_first_name, string $product_title, string $user_login, string $site_link, string $freemius_link )

Filter the content for the Freemius Popup.



(string) (Required) The message content.


(string) (Required) The first name of user.


(string) (Required) The product title.


(string) (Required) The user_login of user.


(string) (Required) The site URL.


(string) (Required) The Freemius URL.

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File: src/Tribe/Integrations/Freemius.php

	public function filter_connect_message_on_update(
		$message, $user_first_name, $product_title, $user_login, $site_link, $freemius_link
	) {
		$class = $this->object_class;

		wp_enqueue_style( 'tribe-' . $this->slug . '-freemius', $class::instance()->plugin_url . '/src/resources/css/freemius.css' );

		// Add the heading HTML.
		$plugin_name = $this->name;
		$title       = '<h3>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'We hope you love %1$s', 'event-tickets' ), $plugin_name ) . '</h3>';
		$html        = '';

		// Add the introduction HTML.
		$html .= '<p>';
		$html .= sprintf( esc_html__( 'Hi, %1$s! This is an invitation to help our %2$s community. If you opt-in, some data about your usage of %2$s will be shared with our teams (so they can work their butts off to improve). We will also share some helpful info on events management, WordPress, and our products from time to time.', 'event-tickets' ), $user_first_name, $plugin_name );
		$html .= '</p>';

		$html .= '<p>';
		$html .= sprintf( esc_html__( 'And if you skip this, that\'s okay! %1$s will still work just fine.', 'event-tickets' ), $plugin_name );
		$html .= '</p>';

		// Add the "Powered by" HTML.
		$html .= '<div class="tribe-powered-by-freemius">' . esc_html__( 'Powered by', 'event-tickets' ) . '</div>';

		return $title . $html;

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Version Description
4.11.5 Introduced.