Tribe__Tickets__Tickets::exclude_past_tickets_from_cost_range( array $costs, int $post_id, string $meta, bool $single )

Filter past tickets from showing up in cost range.



(array) (Required) List of ticket costs.


(int) (Required) Target Event's ID.


(string) (Required) Meta key name.


(bool) (Required) determines if the requested meta should be a single item or an array of items.

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(array) The list of ticket costs with past tickets excluded possibly.

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File: src/Tribe/Tickets.php

		public function exclude_past_tickets_from_cost_range( $costs, $post_id, $meta, $single ) {

			if ( '_EventCost' != $meta || $single || empty( $costs )  ) {
				return $costs;

			 * Allow filtering of whether to exclude past tickets in the event cost range.
			 * @since 5.1.4
			 * @param bool  $exclude_past_tickets Whether to exclude past tickets in the event cost range.
			 * @param array $costs                Which costs are going to be displayed.
			 * @param int   $post_id              Which Event/Post we are dealign with.
			$exclude_past_tickets = apply_filters( 'event_tickets_exclude_past_tickets_from_cost_range', false, $costs, $post_id );

			if ( ! $exclude_past_tickets ) {
				return $costs;

			$tickets = self::get_all_event_tickets( $post_id );

			$wp_timezone = Tribe__Timezones::wp_timezone_string();

			if ( Tribe__Timezones::is_utc_offset( $wp_timezone ) ) {
				$wp_timezone = Tribe__Timezones::generate_timezone_string_from_utc_offset( $wp_timezone );

			$timezone = new DateTimeZone( $wp_timezone );

			foreach ( $tickets as $ticket ) {

				$now        = Tribe__Date_Utils::build_date_object( 'now', $timezone );
				$start_date = Tribe__Date_Utils::build_date_object( $ticket->start_date . ' ' . $ticket->start_time, $timezone );
				$end_date   = Tribe__Date_Utils::build_date_object( $ticket->end_date . ' ' . $ticket->end_time, $timezone );

				// If the ticket has not yet become available for sale or has already ended.
				if ( $now < $start_date || $end_date < $now ) {
					// Try to find the ticket price in the list of costs.
					$key = array_search( $ticket->price, $costs );

					// Remove the value from the list of costs if we found it.
					if ( false !== $key ) {
						unset( $costs[ $key ] );

			return $costs;

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Version Description
5.1.5 Introduced.