Tribe__Tickets__Tickets::maybe_show_tickets_unavailable_message( array $tickets, int $post_id = null )

Indicates that, from an individual ticket provider’s perspective, the only tickets for the event are currently unavailable and unless a different ticket provider reports differently the “tickets unavailable” message should be displayed.



(array) (Required)


(int) (Optional) ID of parent "event" post (defaults to the current post)

Default value: null

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File: src/Tribe/Tickets.php

		public function maybe_show_tickets_unavailable_message( $tickets, $post_id = null ) {
			if ( null === $post_id ) {
				$post_id = get_the_ID();

			$unavailable_tickets = self::$currently_unavailable_tickets;

			$existing_tickets = ! empty( $unavailable_tickets[ (int) $post_id ] )
				? $unavailable_tickets[ (int) $post_id ]
				: [];

			self::$currently_unavailable_tickets[ (int) $post_id ] = array_merge( $existing_tickets, $tickets );
