
Calculates attendance totals for a specified event (ie, how many tickets have been sold and how many are pending further action, etc).

Also has the capability to print this information as HTML, intended for use in the attendee summary screen.

Note that the totals are calculated upon instantiation, effectively making the object a snapshot in time. Therefore if the status of one or more tickets is modified or if tickets are added/deleted later in the request, it would be necessary to obtain a new object of this type to get accurate results.


File: src/Tribe/Commerce/Attendance_Totals.php

class Tribe__Tickets_Plus__Commerce__Attendance_Totals extends Tribe__Tickets__Abstract_Attendance_Totals {
	protected $total_sold      = 0;
	protected $total_paid      = 0;
	protected $total_pending   = 0;
	protected $total_cancelled = 0;

	 * Calculate totals for the current event.
	protected function calculate_totals() {
		foreach ( Tribe__Tickets__Tickets::get_event_tickets( $this->event_id ) as $ticket ) {
			if ( ! $this->should_count( $ticket ) ) {

			$this->total_paid      += $ticket->qty_sold();
			$this->total_pending   += $ticket->qty_pending();
			$this->total_cancelled += $ticket->qty_cancelled();

		$this->total_sold = $this->total_paid + $this->total_pending;

	 * Indicates if the ticket should be factored into our sales counts.
	 * @param Tribe__Tickets__Ticket_Object $ticket
	 * @return bool
	protected function should_count( Tribe__Tickets__Ticket_Object $ticket ) {
		$should_count = 'Tribe__Tickets__RSVP' !== $ticket->provider_class;

		 * Determine if the provided ticket object should be used when building
		 * sales counts.
		 * By default, tickets belonging to the Tribe__Tickets__RSVP provider
		 * are not to be counted.
		 * @param bool $should_count
		 * @param Tribe__Tickets__Ticket_Object $ticket
		return (bool) apply_filters( 'tribe_tickets_plus_should_use_ticket_in_sales_counts', $should_count, $ticket );

	 * Prints an HTML (unordered) list of attendance totals.
	public function print_totals() {
		$args = [
			'total_sold_label'        => _x( 'Total Tickets:', 'attendee summary', 'event-tickets' ),
			'total_complete_label'    => _x( 'Complete:', 'attendee summary', 'event-tickets' ),
			'total_cancelled_label'   => _x( 'Cancelled:', 'attendee summary', 'event-tickets' ),
			'total_sold'              => $this->get_total_sold(),
			'total_complete'          => $this->get_total_complete(),
			'total_cancelled'         => $this->get_total_cancelled(),
			'total_sold_tooltip'      => $this->get_total_sold_tooltip(),
			'total_completed_tooltip' => $this->get_total_completed_tooltip(),
			'total_cancelled_tooltip' => $this->get_total_cancelled_tooltip(),

		tribe( 'tickets.admin.views' )->template( 'attendees-totals-list', $args, true );

	 * The total number of tickets sold for this event.
	 * @return int
	public function get_total_sold() {
		 * Returns the total tickets sold for an event.
		 * @param int $total_sold
		 * @param int $original_total_sold
		 * @param int $event_id
		return (int) apply_filters( 'tribe_tickets_plus_get_total_sold', $this->total_sold, $this->total_sold, $this->event_id );

	 * The total number of tickets pending further action for this event.
	 * @return int
	public function get_total_pending() {
		 * Returns the total tickets pending further action for an event.
		 * @param int $total_pending
		 * @param int $original_total_pending
		 * @param int $event_id
		return (int) apply_filters( 'tribe_tickets_plus_get_total_pending', $this->total_pending, $this->total_pending, $this->event_id );

	 * The total number of tickets sold and paid for, minus cancelled, for this event.
	 * @deprecated 4.6
	 * @return int
	public function get_total_complete() {
		return $this->get_total_paid() - $this->get_total_cancelled();

	 * The total number of tickets sold and paid for, for this event.
	 * @since  4.6
	 * @return int
	public function get_total_paid() {
		 * Returns the total tickets sold and paid for, for an event.
		 * @param int $total_paid
		 * @param int $original_total_complete
		 * @param int $event_id
		return (int) apply_filters( 'tribe_tickets_plus_get_total_paid', $this->total_paid, $this->total_paid, $this->event_id );

	 * The total number of tickets sold then cancelled, for this event.
	 * @since  4.10.4
	 * @return int
	public function get_total_cancelled() {
		 * Returns the total tickets cancelled, for an event.
		 * @since 4.10.4
		 * @param int $total_cancelled
		 * @param int $original_total_complete
		 * @param int $event_id
		return (int) apply_filters( 'tribe_tickets_plus_get_total_cancelled', $this->total_cancelled, $this->total_cancelled, $this->event_id );

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  • get_total_cancelled — The total number of tickets sold then cancelled, for this event.
  • get_total_complete — The total number of tickets sold and paid for, minus cancelled and refunded, for this event.
  • get_total_paid — The total number of tickets sold and paid for, for this event.
  • get_total_pending — The total number of tickets pending further action for this event.
  • get_total_refunded — The total number of tickets sold then refunded, for this event.
  • get_total_sold — The total number of tickets sold for this event.
  • print_totals — Prints an HTML (unordered) list of attendance totals.