month_multiday_classes( TribeEventsViewsV2WP_Post $event, string $day_date, bool $is_start_of_week, string $today_date )

Used in the multiday month loop.

Outputs classes for the multiday event (article).



(TribeEventsViewsV2WP_Post) (Required) An event post object with event-specific properties added from the the tribe_get_event function.


(string) (Required) The Y-m-d date of the day currently being displayed.


(bool) (Required) Whether the current grid day being rendered is the first day of the week or not.


(string) (Required) Today's date in the Y-m-d format.

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(TribeEventsViewsV2array<string>) $classes The classes to add to the multiday event.

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File: src/Tribe/Views/V2/functions/classes.php

function month_multiday_classes( $event, $day_date, $is_start_of_week, $today_date ) {
	$classes = tribe_get_post_class( [ 'tribe-events-calendar-month__multiday-event' ], $event->ID );

	if ( ! empty( $event->featured ) ) {
		$classes[] = 'tribe-events-calendar-month__multiday-event--featured';

	 * To keep the calendar accessible, in the context of a week, we'll print the event only on either its first day
	 * or the first day of the week.
	$should_display = $is_start_of_week || in_array( $day_date, $event->displays_on, true );

	// If doesn't start today and this week, let's not add the left border or set the width.
	if ( ! $should_display ) {
		 * Allows filtering the multiday event classes.
		 * @since 5.1.1
		 * @param array<string> $classes    An array of thee classes to be applied.
		 * @param WP_Post $event            An event post object with event-specific properties added from the the `tribe_get_event`
		 *                                  function.
		 * @param string  $day_date         The `Y-m-d` date of the day currently being displayed.
		 * @param bool    $is_start_of_week Whether the current grid day being rendered is the first day of the week or not.
		 * @param string  $today_date       Today's date in the `Y-m-d` format.
		return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_views_v2_month_multiday_classes', $classes, $event, $day_date, $is_start_of_week, $today_date );

	* The "duration" here is how many days the event will take this week, not in total.
	* The two values might be the same but they will differ for events that last more than one week.
	$classes[] = 'tribe-events-calendar-month__multiday-event--width-' . $event->this_week_duration;
	$classes[] = 'tribe-events-calendar-month__multiday-event--display';

	// If it ends this week, let's add the start class (left border).
	if ( $event->starts_this_week ) {
		$classes[] = 'tribe-events-calendar-month__multiday-event--start';

	// If it ends this week, let's add the end class (right border).
	if ( $event->ends_this_week ) {
		$classes[] = 'tribe-events-calendar-month__multiday-event--end';

	if ( $event->dates->end->format( 'Y-m-d' ) < $today_date ) {
		$classes[] = 'tribe-events-calendar-month__multiday-event--past';

	 * Allows filtering the multiday event classes.
	 * @since 5.1.1
	 * @param array<string> $classes    An array of thee classes to be applied.
	 * @param WP_Post $event            An event post object with event-specific properties added from the the `tribe_get_event`
	 *                                  function.
	 * @param string  $day_date         The `Y-m-d` date of the day currently being displayed.
	 * @param bool    $is_start_of_week Whether the current grid day being rendered is the first day of the week or not.
	 * @param string  $today_date       Today's date in the `Y-m-d` format.
	return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_views_v2_month_multiday_classes', $classes, $event, $day_date, $is_start_of_week, $today_date );

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Version Description
5.1.1 Introduced.