tribe_end_of_day( string $date = null, string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )

Returns formatted date for the official end of the day according to the Multi-day cutoff time option



(string) (Optional) The date to find the end of the day, defaults to today

Default value: null


(string) (Optional) Allows date and time formating using standard php syntax (<a href=""></a>)

Default value: 'Y-m-d H:i:s'

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File: src/functions/template-tags/date.php

	function tribe_end_of_day( $date = null, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) {
		$multiday_cutoff = explode( ':', tribe_get_option( 'multiDayCutoff', '00:00' ) );
		$hours_to_add    = $multiday_cutoff[0];
		$minutes_to_add  = $multiday_cutoff[1];
		if ( is_null( $date ) || empty( $date ) ) {
			$date = date( $format, strtotime( 'tomorrow  +' . $hours_to_add . ' hours ' . $minutes_to_add . ' minutes' ) - 1 );
		} else {
			$date      = Tribe__Date_Utils::is_timestamp( $date ) ? $date : strtotime( $date );
			$timestamp = strtotime( date( 'Y-m-d', $date ) . ' +1 day ' . $hours_to_add . ' hours ' . $minutes_to_add . ' minutes' ) - 1;
			$date      = date( $format, $timestamp );

		 * Deprecated filter tribe_event_end_of_day in 4.0 in favor of tribe_end_of_day. Remove in 5.0
		$date = apply_filters( 'tribe_event_end_of_day', $date );

		 * Filters the end of day date
		 * @param string $date
		return apply_filters( 'tribe_end_of_day', $date );