tribe_get_events( array $args = array(), bool $full = false )

Get Events from the database.

Queries the events using the Query wrapper around the Events Repository.



(array) (Optional) Array of Query parameters

Default value: array()


(bool) (Optional) Whether to return an array of event posts (default) or the query object to fetch them.

Default value: false

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(array|WP_Query) A list of event posts matching the query arguments or a WP_Query instance if the $full argument is set to true.

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File: src/functions/template-tags/general.php

	function tribe_get_events( $args = array(), $full = false ) {
		if ( empty ( $args['eventDisplay'] ) ) {
			$args['eventDisplay'] = 'custom';

		return apply_filters( 'tribe_get_events', Tribe__Events__Query::getEvents( $args, $full ), $args, $full );