
Class Hooks


File: src/Tribe/Views/V2/Hooks.php

class Hooks extends \tad_DI52_ServiceProvider {

	 * Registers the bindings that will be used to hook classe and methods to the required actions and filters.
	 * @since 4.8.3
	public function register() {
		$this->container->singleton( Customizer::class, Customizer::class );


	 * Hooks the classes and methods that will actually handle filtering to integrate with Views v2.
	 * @since 4.8.3
	private function add_filters() {
		// Customizer.
		add_filter( 'tribe_customizer_inline_stylesheets', [ $this, 'filter_inline_sheets' ] );
		add_filter( 'tribe_customizer_pre_sections', [ $this, 'filter_customizer_sections' ], 20, 2 );
		add_filter( 'tribe_customizer_global_elements_css_template', [ $this, 'filter_global_elements_css_template' ], 10, 3 );
		add_filter( 'tribe_customizer_single_event_css_template', [ $this, 'filter_single_event_css_template' ], 10, 3 );

	 * Filters the Customizer sheets that are target of a possible inline style print if enqueued
	 * to add the plugin ones.
	 * @since 4.8.3
	 * @param array<string> $inline_sheets The list of style sheet handles that are currently candidates
	 *                                     for inline style print if enqueued.
	 * @return array<string> The filtered list of style sheet handles candidate for inline style print.
	public function filter_inline_sheets( $inline_sheets ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $inline_sheets ) ) {
			return $inline_sheets;

		return $this->container->make( Customizer::class )->filter_inline_sheets( $inline_sheets );

	 * Filters the currently registered Customizer sections to add or modify them.
	 * @since 4.8.3
	 * @param array<string,array<string,array<string,int|float|string>>> $sections   The registered Customizer sections.
	 * @param \Tribe___Customizer                                        $customizer The Customizer object.
	 * @return array<string,array<string,array<string,int|float|string>>> The filtered sections.
	public function filter_customizer_sections( $sections, $customizer ) {
		if ( ! ( is_array( $sections ) && $customizer instanceof \Tribe__Customizer ) ) {
			return $sections;

		return $this->container->make( Customizer::class )->filter_sections( $sections, $customizer );

	 * Filters the Global Elements section CSS template to add Views v2 related style templates to it.
	 * @since 4.8.3
	 * @param string                      $css_template The CSS template, as produced by the Global Elements.
	 * @param \Tribe__Customizer__Section $section      The Global Elements section.
	 * @param \Tribe__Customizer          $customizer   The current Customizer instance.
	 * @return string The filtered CSS template.
	public function filter_global_elements_css_template( $css_template, $section, $customizer ) {
		if ( ! ( is_string( $css_template ) && $section instanceof Customizer_Section && $customizer instanceof \Tribe__Customizer ) ) {
			return $css_template;

		return $this->container->make( Customizer::class )->filter_global_elements_css_template( $css_template, $section, $customizer );

	 * Filters the Single Event section CSS template to add Views v2 related style templates to it.
	 * @since 4.8.3
	 * @param string                      $css_template The CSS template, as produced by the Global Elements.
	 * @param \Tribe__Customizer__Section $section      The Single Event section.
	 * @param \Tribe__Customizer          $customizer   The current Customizer instance.
	 * @return string The filtered CSS template.
	public function filter_single_event_css_template( $css_template, $section, $customizer ) {
		if ( ! (
			is_string( $css_template ) && $section instanceof Customizer_Section
			&& $customizer instanceof \Tribe__Customizer
		) {
			return $css_template;

		return $this->container->make( Customizer::class )->filter_single_event_css_template( $css_template, $section, $customizer );

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Version Description
4.8.3 Introduced.

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  • filter_customizer_sections — Filters the currently registered Customizer sections to add or modify them.
  • filter_global_elements_css_template — Filters the Global Elements section CSS template to add Views v2 related style templates to it.
  • filter_inline_sheets — Filters the Customizer sheets that are target of a possible inline style print if enqueued to add the plugin ones.
  • filter_single_event_css_template — Filters the Single Event section CSS template to add Views v2 related style templates to it.
  • register — Registers the bindings that will be used to hook classe and methods to the required actions and filters.