
Class Tribe__Tickets__Event_Repository


File: src/Tribe/Event_Repository.php

class Tribe__Tickets__Event_Repository extends Tribe__Repository__Decorator {

	 * Tribe__Tickets__Event_Repository constructor.
	 * Gets the current event repository instance to add or replace some filters in it.
	 * @since 4.10.4
	public function __construct() {
		$this->decorated = tribe( 'events.event-repository' );
		$this->decorated->add_schema_entry( 'cost', array( $this, 'filter_by_cost' ) );
		$this->decorated->add_schema_entry( 'cost_currency_symbol', array( $this, 'filter_by_cost_currency_symbol' ) );
		$this->decorated->add_schema_entry( 'has_tickets', array( $this, 'filter_by_has_tickets' ) );
		$this->decorated->add_schema_entry( 'has_rsvp', array( $this, 'filter_by_has_rsvp' ) );

	 * A re-implementation of the base `filter_by_cost` method to filter events by related
	 * ticket costs in place of their own cost meta.
	 * @since 4.10.4
	 * @param float|array $value       The cost to use for the comparison; in the case of `BETWEEN`, `NOT BETWEEN`,
	 *                                 `IN` and `NOT IN` operators this value should be an array.
	 * @param string      $operator    Teh comparison operator to use for the comparison, one of `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`,
	 *                                 `=`, `BETWEEN`, `NOT BETWEEN`, `IN`, `NOT IN`.
	 * @param string      $symbol      The desired currency symbol or symbols; this symbol can be a currency ISO code,
	 *                                 e.g. "USD" for U.S. dollars, or a currency symbol, e.g. "$".
	 *                                 In the latter case results will include any event with the matching currency
	 *                                 symbol, this might lead to ambiguous results.
	 * @throws Tribe__Repository__Usage_Error If the comparison operator is not supported of is using the `BETWEEN`,
	 *                                        `NOT BETWEEN` operators without passing a two element array `$value`.
	public function filter_by_cost( $value, $operator = '=', $symbol = null ) {
		if ( ! in_array( $operator, array(
			'NOT IN',
		) ) ) {
			throw Tribe__Repository__Usage_Error::because_this_comparison_operator_is_not_supported( $operator, 'filter_by_cost' );

		if ( in_array( $operator, array(
			) ) && ! ( is_array( $value ) && 2 === count( $value ) ) ) {
			throw Tribe__Repository__Usage_Error::because_this_comparison_operator_requires_an_value_of_type( $operator, 'filter_by_cost', 'array' );

		if ( in_array( $operator, array( 'IN', 'NOT IN' ) ) ) {
			$value = (array) $value;

		$operator_name = Tribe__Utils__Array::get( Tribe__Repository::get_comparison_operators(), $operator, '' );
		$prefix        = str_replace( '-', '_', 'by_cost_' . $operator_name );

		global $wpdb;

		// Join to the meta that relates tickets to events.
		$this->decorated->join_clause( "JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} {$prefix}_ticket_event 
			ON ( 
				{$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_value = {$wpdb->posts}.ID
				AND {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_key REGEXP '^_tribe_.*_for_event$' 
			)" );

		$price_regexp_frags = array(
			// PayPal and WooCommerce tickets.
			// Easy Digital Downloads tickets.
		$price_regexp       = '^(' . implode( '|', $price_regexp_frags ) . ')$';

		// Join to the ticket cost meta, allow for RSVP tickets too that have no price.
		$this->decorated->join_clause( $wpdb->prepare( "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} {$prefix}_ticket_cost 
			ON (
					{$prefix}_ticket_cost.post_id = {$prefix}_ticket_event.post_id
					AND (
						{$prefix}_ticket_cost.meta_key REGEXP %s
						OR {$prefix}_ticket_cost.meta_id IS NULL
		) );

		$prepared_value = is_array( $value )
			? $this->decorated->prepare_interval( $value, '%d', $operator )
			: $wpdb->prepare( '%d', $value );

		// Default the cost to `0` if not set to make RSVP tickets show as "free" tickets, with a cost of 0.
		$this->decorated->where_clause( "IFNULL( {$prefix}_ticket_cost.meta_value, 0 ) {$operator} {$prepared_value}" );

		if ( null !== $symbol ) {
			$this->filter_by_cost_currency_symbol( $symbol );

	 * Filters events that have a ticket with a specific cost currency symbol.
	 * Events with a cost of `0` but a currency symbol set will be fetched when fetching
	 * by their symbols; RSVP tickets have no symbol and will never match any filtering
	 * by currency symbol.
	 * Filtering by currency symbol, when done in the context of Event Tickets, really means
	 * filtering events by tickets that come from providers with a specific currency ISO code.
	 * As an example filtering by "USD" when Tribe Commerce tickets use the "EUR" code and
	 * WooCommerce tickets use the "USD" code means "only fetch events that have WooCommerce
	 * tickets".
	 * @since 4.10.4
	 * @param string|array $symbol One or more currency symbols or currency ISO codes. E.g.
	 *                             "$" and "USD".
	 * @throws Tribe__Repository__Void_Query_Exception If no provider uses the specified currency symbol
	 *                                                 or ISO code.
	public function filter_by_cost_currency_symbol( $symbol ) {
		/** @var Tribe__Tickets__Commerce__Currency $currency */
		$currency      = tribe( 'tickets.commerce.currency' );
		$symbols       = (array) $symbol;
		$request_codes = array();

		 * Transform the request symbols into ISO codes; due to its ambiguous nature a
		 * symbol might match 0+ ISO codes.
		foreach ( $symbols as $request_symbol ) {
			$request_codes[] = (array) $currency->get_symbol_codes( $request_symbol );
		$request_codes = array_unique( call_user_func_array( 'array_merge', $request_codes ) );

		if ( empty( $request_codes ) ) {
			$reason = 'The specified currency symbol or ISO code is not supported.';
			throw Tribe__Repository__Void_Query_Exception::because_the_query_would_yield_no_results( $reason );

		// Compile a list of ticket providers that are active and use one of the requested ISO codes.
		$request_providers = array();

		if ( array_intersect( $request_codes, (array) $currency->get_currency_code() ) ) {
			$request_providers[] = 'tpp';

		$providers = array(
			'eddticket' => 'Tribe__Tickets_Plus__Commerce__EDD__Main',
			'wooticket' => 'Tribe__Tickets_Plus__Commerce__WooCommerce__Main',

		foreach ( $providers as $slug => $provider ) {
			if ( ! class_exists( $provider ) ) {

			$provider_symbol = $currency->get_provider_symbol( $provider );

			if ( ! is_string( $provider_symbol ) ) {

			$provider_codes = (array) $currency->get_symbol_codes( $provider_symbol );

			if ( array_intersect( $request_codes, $provider_codes ) ) {
				// This provider uses one of the request ISO codes, use it.
				$request_providers[] = $slug;

		if ( empty( $request_providers ) ) {
			$reason = 'No ticket provider uses the specified currency symbol or ISO code.';
			throw Tribe__Repository__Void_Query_Exception::because_the_query_would_yield_no_results( $reason );

		$providers_regex = sprintf( '(%s)', implode( '|', $request_providers ) );

		global $wpdb;
		$prefix = 'by_cost_currency_symbol_';
		// Join to the meta that relates tickets to events but only for the providers that have the required symbols.
		$this->decorated->join_clause( "JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} {$prefix}_ticket_event 
			ON ( 
				{$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_value = {$wpdb->posts}.ID
				AND {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_key REGEXP '^_tribe_{$providers_regex}_for_event$' 
			)" );

	 * Filters events to include only those that match the provided ticket state.
	 * This does NOT include RSVPs or events that have a cost assigned via the
	 * cost custom field.
	 * @since 4.10.4
	 * @param bool $has_tickets Indicates if the event should have ticket types attached to it or not.
	public function filter_by_has_tickets( $has_tickets = true ) {
		global $wpdb;
		$prefix = 'has_tickets_';

		if ( (bool) $has_tickets ) {
			// Join to the meta that relates tickets to events but exclude RSVP tickets.
			$this->decorated->join_clause( "JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} {$prefix}_ticket_event ON ( 
					{$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_value = {$wpdb->posts}.ID
					AND {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_key NOT REGEXP '^_tribe_rsvp_for_event$' 
				)" );


		// Join to the meta that relates tickets to events.
		$this->decorated->join_clause( "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} {$prefix}_ticket_event
					ON {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_value = {$wpdb->posts}.ID" );
		// Keep events that have no tickets assigned or are assigned RSVP tickets.
		$this->decorated->where_clause( "{$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_id IS NULL 
			OR {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_key = '_tribe_rsvp_for_event'" );

	 * Filters events to include only those that match the provided RSVP state.
	 * @since 4.10.4
	 * @param bool $has_rsvp Indicates if the event should have RSVP tickets attached to it or not.
	public function filter_by_has_rsvp( $has_rsvp = true ) {
		global $wpdb;
		$prefix   = 'has_rspv_';

		if ( (bool) $has_rsvp ) {
			$this->decorated->join_clause( "JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} {$prefix}_ticket_event
			ON (
				{$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_value = {$wpdb->posts}.ID
				AND {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_key = '_tribe_rsvp_for_event'
			)" );


		// Join to the meta that relates tickets to events.
		$this->decorated->join_clause( "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} {$prefix}_ticket_event
			ON (
				{$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_value = {$wpdb->posts}.ID
				AND {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_key REGEXP '^_tribe_.*_for_event$'
			)" );
		// Keep any event without tickets or not related to an RSVP ticket.
		$this->decorated->where_clause( "{$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_id IS NULL 
			OR {$prefix}_ticket_event.meta_key != '_tribe_rsvp_for_event'" );

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Version Description
4.10.4 Introduced.

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