
On creation of a new release/FYY.XX or release/MYY.XX branch it is important to change the version string on a few files:

  • src/Tribe/Main.php: On most plugins
  • package.json: On all plugins
  • readme.txt: On all plugins
  • On plugin main PHP file on the root of the repository

In general, within The Events Calendar plugins, we keep our versions mostly in line with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0, with the exception of Hot Fixes.


Minor version bump (x.Y.z) can be introduced only during a Feature release cycle, determined by if we did introduce any features specific to the plugin in question. Supporting changes in other plugins for a Feature release may be a patch version.

When changing the string on the required files for a minor version bump, we omit the zero (x.Y.0) on all files but the package.json.

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Patch version bump (x.y.Z) can be introduced when we are doing Maintenance and Feature release cycles, determined by if we did not introduce any features specific to the plugin in question. Supporting changes to other plugins in a Feature release may be a patch version too.

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Hotfix version bump (x.y.x.W) will only happen when during a Feature or Maintenance Release, unexpected breaking changes were introduced or an important security patch needs to be addressed.